Salad and Fruit

Salad and a Fruit Snack

Easy Mono-Meal Reading Salad and a Fruit Snack 1 minute Next Simply Fruit

Looking for raw things to eat at lunch? Try a salad and fruit combo. 

Our friend Rosanne writes, "Dr. Malkmus, I make raw vegan salad recipes for my brown-bag lunch every day, store it in a air-tight plastic container, and refrigerate it when I get to work. I also take a bottle of distilled water to drink and use when I take my BarleyMax before lunch. Sometimes I take some fruit (it's cherries this week) for raw snacks. I have a friend who makes carrot juice to take with her whenever she knows she will be away from home for a meal. She stores it in a small Mason jar, ensuring that all air is out of the jar by letting the carrot juice run over the top a little. She then keeps it in her cooler. God bless you and everyone at Hallelujah Acres."

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