What is the Difference between Healthy and Unhealthy Dietary Fat?

What is the Difference between Healthy and Unhealthy Dietary Fat?

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Some people are nervous about adding fat into their diet, because they assume that any type of fat is bad for their health. But, there are many ways that dietary fat can be beneficial for your health, and a moderate amount should be included in your meal plan. The most important factor is to make sure that you are getting the right types of fat in your diet, because there are big differences in the way healthy and unhealthy fats impact your overall health and wellness.

Saturated Fat vs. Unsaturated Fat

Most people know that saturated fat is known as the “bad” fat and unsaturated fat is known as the “good” fat. Do you know how to tell the difference between these types of fats? Saturated fat usually comes from animal products such as meat and dairy, while unsaturated fat is usually plant derived.

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But, just because the fat comes from a plant source, doesn’t mean that it is good for your health. Certain types of plant seeds are used to create oil, such as corn, peanut, safflower, and sunflower. These plant seeds are high in certain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) which cause an inflammatory response when they are consumed. When inflammation is present in the body, it can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and more.

Omega 3’s and Omega 6’s

Two common types of PUFAs are omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. Both of these are needed for the body to optimally function, but you need to have the right balance of the two in order to achieve optimal health. The inflammatory response comes from the fats that are high in omega 6. At the same time, it has been found that not enough omega 3 essential fatty acids can increase the risk for certain types of cancer. To improve your diet and prevent cancer, it is best to minimize animal fats that are high in omega 6’s and choose healthy plant fats instead. Focus on quality and a reasonable quantity of healthy fats, and you can reduce your risk of cancer and improve overall health. Good choices include coconut oil and olive oil, but you need to make sure they are extra virgin and cold-pressed.

Do you want to prepare more meals with healthy fats derived from plants? Check out Unravel the Mystery - The Companion Recipe Book which offers a number of recipes that make it easier to include these beneficial fats in your diet. Also, you will find it helpful to read Unravel the Mystery by Ann Malkmus, which teaches more about the ways your lifestyle habits will impact your risk of cancer.

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