assortment of fruits and nuts

Electrolyte Rich Foods and What They Do

Foods Full of Electrolytes Much like the battery in a car or the electricity that powers our home, the minerals in our blood and other body fluids stimulate voltages that carry electrical impulses....
Science Has Finally Caught Up With The Hallelujah Diet

Science Has Finally Caught Up With The Hallelujah Diet

The song says a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, but an Iowa State University scientist has published new research suggesting a spoonful of oil makes vegetables more nutritious. A new...
Circadian Rhythm – A Prized Idea

Circadian Rhythm – A Prized Idea

For many years people have tossed out the phrase “circadian rhythm’ with little regard for it’s true significance to life. That little phrase has received enormous attention when three scientists f...
Read All Studies Very Carefully!

Another Bogus Study?

In a world where information abounds by the moment and you can find a study to prove nearly anything you want to stand behind, how then, can a person make informed decisions and maintain a healthy ...
Let's Take A Closer Look at the Impact a Toxic World Has

Let's Take A Closer Look at the Impact a Toxic World Has

CTE is a degenerative brain condition known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy. It has been linked to repeated blows to the head — the 2015 movie Concussion chronicled the discovery of CTE's conne...
What Is Glutathione?

What Is Glutathione?

How would you like to get your hands on a magic ingredient that helps your body repair a multitude of conditions caused by stress, pollution, radiation, infection, drugs, poor diet, aging, injury, ...
What Is the Best Cleanse to Improve My Overall Health?

What Is the Best Cleanse to Improve My Overall Health?

Cleansing your body detoxifies it to help you look and feel your best and eliminate heavy metals and other contaminants that can build up. Choosing the best cleanse is the key to improving overall ...
Don’t Be Misled—Scented Air is Not Clean Air!

Don’t Be Misled—Scented Air is Not Clean Air!

Have you ever noticed that when you enter a hotel or a hotel room, or a public bathroom that there is a strong scent surrounding you? Over the years as we have traveled, we have noticed an increas...
Can House Dust Make You Fat?

Can House Dust Make You Fat?

We all know that diet and physical exercise are extremely powerful in the fight against obesity. But there is also another important factor that is gaining attention although it has been around si...
Rebuild and Fuel Your Body with BarleyMax

Rebuild and Fuel Your Body with BarleyMax

Rebuild, recharge and fuel your body with the best and most valuable supplement available.
Your Diet Has An Impact on Different Menopause Symptoms

Your Diet Has An Impact on Different Menopause Symptoms

Whether you are peri-, post- or just right smack in the middle of menopause, you will find that your symptoms will change but the fact is, your body will never, ever be the same. While a great supp...
Is a Colon Cleanse Safe for Seniors?

Is a Colon Cleanse Safe for Seniors?

A colon cleanse provides numerous health and wellness benefits, even for seniors! It’s a way to clean out your digestive tract and eliminate toxins within your body. It may be wise to check with a ...
How to Change Your Taste Buds to Eat Healthier Foods

How to Change Your Taste Buds to Eat Healthier Foods

Do you know people who say they hate…absolutely abhor all vegetables, especially the green ones? You know, the picky eaters, the ones who prefer the same old same old every meal. Maybe you might...
Healthy Fats For Your Prostate

Healthy Fats For Your Prostate

Healthy fats do a prostate good! Contrary to the low fat message we've been hearing for years, healthy fats from the vegetable kingdom are now being touted for their ability to reduce risk of pros...
Improve Your Chances of Avoiding Skin Cancer

Improve Your Chances of Avoiding Skin Cancer

Skin, the largest organ in the human body, serves as an outer layer of protection, defending the body against light, extreme heat or cold, injury and infection, while regulating water, lipid stores...
Why Fad Diets are Harmful to Overall Health

Why Fad Diets are Harmful to Overall Health

While indeed, such fad diets have helped thousands of people lose excess weight and stubborn pounds, these regimens cut out key nutritional foods that you need for overall health and wellness.
The Importance of a Healthy Liver

The Importance of a Healthy Liver

As one of the largest and busiest organs in the body, the liver doesn’t get near the amount of attention it deserves. For many people, the importance of a healthy liver tends to go unnoticed until ...
Product Spotlight: CarrotJuiceMax

Product Spotlight: CarrotJuiceMax

This month’s Product Spotlight is on CarrotJuiceMax, simply because of its incredible nutrient value. In keeping with our goal to offer nutrient-packed organic fruits and vegetables, Hallelujah Die...
A Vegetarian's Guide to Planning & Growing a Garden

A Vegetarian's Guide to Planning & Growing a Garden

While transitioning to a plant based diet, such as the Hallelujah Diet, you’ll see major improvements in your health! Unfortunately, you can’t always rely on supermarkets to provide you with fresh ...
The Importance of a Healthy Gut

The Importance of a Healthy Gut

More than a few people may be surprised to hear that the digestive system or gut does way more than digest food. Immune system support, flushing out toxins, and transferring nutrients from the food...
Consider these lifestyle tips to rebuild your immune system and restore your health.

Tips for Building a Strong Immune System as You Age

Consider these lifestyle tips to rebuild your immune system and restore your health.
Whole Food, Plant Based Diet Benefits for Skin, Nail, Hair, and Liver

Whole Food, Plant Based Diet Benefits for Skin, Nail, Hair, and Liver

Switching from the standard American diet to a green raw food diet provides you with more health and wellness benefits than you might think! If your hair, skin, and nails are unhealthy-looking, a m...
How God's Diet Can Help Prevent & Control Diabetes

How God's Diet Can Help Prevent & Control Diabetes

God designed food to nourish your body and protect it from illness and disease. Fruits, vegetables, and other plant foods are loaded with disease-fighting phytochemicals and antioxidants, which enh...
How to Reduce Your Blood Pressure Naturally
Cancer News

How to Reduce Your Blood Pressure Naturally

For those seeking a more natural approach to reducing blood pressure, read on.

Dieting with Diabetes: The Do's and Don'ts

Believe it or not, if you have type 2 diabetes, you’re not destined to have this chronic disease forever. Studies show that almost 90% of patients who underwent bariatric surgery for weight loss ex...
What Are Digestive Enzymes?

What Are Digestive Enzymes?

You might be wondering what exactly digestive enzymes are, and how they help you achieve or maintain optimal health. Knowing more about how digestive enzymes work within your body and the benefits ...
Vitamins that contribute to eye health

Vitamins that contribute to eye health

Unfortunately, Cataracts and age-related macular degeneration are harmful eye diseases that affect millions of Americans each year. These diseases are the leading causes of blindness and visual im...
Eye-opening Webinar by Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, JD

Eye-opening Webinar by Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, JD

What do you get when the author of these books comes to give a webinar? Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins Death by Calcium Magnesium: Reversing Disease ...
How to Prepare for a Colon Cleanse Diet

How to Prepare for a Colon Cleanse Diet

Your digestive tract regulates several essential bodily processes that impact your overall health on multiple levels. Likewise, the colon’s ability to properly flush out waste materials keeps the b...
Feeling Tired? Find Out How B6 Supplements Can Fight Fatigue

Feeling Tired? Find Out How B6 Supplements Can Fight Fatigue

Who’s heard of vitamin B? Most people will only learn about the B vitamins after a blood test when their doctor informs them that they have a deficiency. Vitamins B-6 and B-12 are key members of th...
A Different Take On Christmas
Cancer News

A Different Take On Christmas

Do you remember a few weeks ago when you heard the first Christmas song of the season? How did it make you feel… like you just found a long lost friend? Do you remember when you held your first c...
The Many Ways a Bowel Cleanse Can Help Restore Bowel Function

The Many Ways a Bowel Cleanse Can Help Restore Bowel Function

#1 Relief from Constipation Most Americans don’t meet daily fiber recommendations, which puts them at risk of constipation, belly bloat, and unwanted weight gain. Adult men and women should aim fo...
Natural Sources of Glutathione

Natural Sources of Glutathione

Have you ever taken or experienced any of the following? Prescription drugs Radiation-based diagnostic or therapy measures Immunization shots Antibiotics Over the counter drugs Still h...
A Biblical Perspective of Thanksgiving

Give Thanks, Today and Everyday

As we celebrate today, Thanksgiving Day, let’s take a moment to give thanks to the One who made it all happen for you and I. This is the day that we set aside each year to be thankful. It goes be...
The Importance of Organic Grains & Organic Superfood Powders

The Importance of Organic Grains & Organic Superfood Powders

Due to soil depletion and the fact that many Americans don’t eat recommended amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and other nutrient-dense superfoods, the importance of organic gra...
6 of the Best Foods That Build Oxygen-Rich Blood

6 of the Best Foods That Build Oxygen-Rich Blood

As ordinary as breathing may seem, the intake of oxygen sustains human life at its most fundamental level. This can be seen in the very first book of the Bible in Genesis 2:7: “And the Lord God for...
Foods that can help combat arthritis pain

Foods that can help combat arthritis pain

Did you know that arthritis affects over 50 million adults living in the U.S.? That's more than 1 in 5, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Not only is it the leading cause...
The Myth of Alkalizing Your Body

The Myth of Alkalizing Your Body

If you’ve tried dieting in the past, you may have heard the myth about alkaline diets. Alkalizing your body by eating mainly bicarbonate-rich foods doesn’t change the pH of your blood very much, if...
Why Is the Hallelujah Diet Important?

Why Is the Hallelujah Diet Important?

The Standard American Diet contributes to the development of numerous diseases. Many people know they should eat healthily, but they are overwhelmed with how to begin. Eating a rainbow of fruits an...
Pure Fish Oil: 7 Essential Health Benefits

Pure Fish Oil: 7 Essential Health Benefits

Pure fish oil is the only animal-based product we recommend on the Hallelujah diet. Why? Because it’s the best concentration of the right types of fatty acids we need to be genuinely healthy. While...
3 Ways the Hallelujah Diet Can Help Promote Better Circulation
Cancer News

3 Ways the Hallelujah Diet Can Help Promote Better Circulation

The human circulatory system is a complex, hard-working system that feeds every single cell of the body. If the arteries, veins, and capillaries were all laid out end-to-end, it would extend as far...
Health Hero Spotlight: Paul Bragg

Health Hero Spotlight: Paul Bragg

There’s nothing quite so debilitating as bad health. It drains the body’s energy and can take a real toll on your quality of life. Born on February 6, 1895, Paul Bragg suffered from a terminal dise...
Great Benefits of Drinking Herbal Coffee

Great Benefits of Drinking Herbal Coffee

Coffee is one of the hardest things to get people to give up when trying out a healthy diet. It's not something we recommend on the Hallelujah diet. Coffee is very stimulating, and some of the addi...
Give Indoor Gardening a Try!

Give Indoor Gardening a Try!

The calendar says we are still in the middle of winter and most of the country would likely agree. Gardening season feels like its far away. But, what if you live in a place where gardening season ...
Is a Total Cleanse Right for Me & My Body?

Is a Total Cleanse Right for Me & My Body?

A total cleanse helps your body get rid of toxins throughout and quickly allows your body to function the way it should. You should always talk to a knowledgeable health care professional before pe...
A Health Retreat to Create a Better Life<br><strong style="font-size:2.5rem;">Don't let your health stop you from living life to the fullest.</strong>

A Health Retreat to Create a Better Life
Don't let your health stop you from living life to the fullest.

What a whirlwind 2020 has been! Besides the political climate, and the weather climate, here comes a plague to take the “wind” out of everyone’s sails. . . We thought we would be able to announce t...
red blood cells in an artery

Essential Health Benefits Of Having Oxygen-Rich Blood

Of all the essential materials needed by the body, oxygen ranks number one. While we all know we need an ongoing supply of oxygen to live, it’s easy to take this for granted since breathing is some...
The Perfect Cleanse

The Perfect Cleanse

Imagine Waking Up Feeling Refreshed, Eager to Start Your Day because You Know: You can Solve Any Problem the World Throws at You. You’re Naturally Healthy, Vibrant and Fit. You Desire Only Healthy...
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