Turning 70, But I Feel Like 40

Turning 70, But I Feel Like 40

I’m so grateful for this series. So many Christian friends and relatives have tried to condemn me for following the Hallelujah Diet. I’ve watched many of them die of cancer, and other diseases, because they misinterpreted the Bible. One of my husband’s co-workers (whom I have seen inebriated at office parties) had the nerve to tell me I’m not going to heaven because I don’t eat meat. Meanwhile, I’ve enjoyed perfect health, while I watch them suffer through many surgeries, and side effects of their multiple pharmaceutical drugs. Don’t they wonder why I’m so healthy and they aren’t? I’m going to be 70 years old next week, and I feel about 40! I’m printing out this series to help me explain to people why we should follow God’s original plan of Genesis 1:29. It’s time for my BarleyMax now. Thank you, Reverend Malkmus!” ~ Linda
“Well, how are YOU, George? It’s been a while since last we spoke, so I hope you and Rhonda are doing well and enjoying the end of your summer season. I wanted to share a wonderful story with you. Three weeks ago, I had to travel to Oklahoma to be with my 63-year-old mother during breast cancer surgery . . . I arrived at my mother’s house two days before her surgery, and the first thing I did was buy her a juicer. The second thing I did was go through her kitchen and throw away everything that wasn’t on the Hallelujah Diet. Oh, no, she was NOT happy with me! I started juicing for her and feeding her fresh green salads, fruits, and whole grains. She was pretty angry! She hated the juice and all the healthy food, but I was like a prison warden and she was my prisoner. I just told her, ‘When I was little you made me eat a lot of yucky stuff because you said it was good for me. I’m just returning the favor.’ Now keep in mind that my mother is about 100 lbs. overweight, sits all day at her job, comes home from work after stopping at a fast food restaurant, lived pretty much on nachos, tacos, and soft drinks, and sat in a recliner and watched TV the rest of her evening. I told her, ‘It’s no wonder you have cancer. I’m surprised it took THIS long for you to get it.’Following the surgery, the doctor said they got ALL the cancer . . . “For the last year before her cancer diagnosis, mom suffered with ear infections, contact dermatitis on her scalp, acid reflux, and the worst case of gout on her feet that you can imagine. Her feet were so red and swollen, she could barely walk on them. And she couldn’t even have a bed sheet touch them because it hurt too much. Let me tell you something. Even before her surgery, within two days of starting the juicing and her eating well, her gout was completely gone, and she even stopped her prescription medication for it. Her contact dermatitis disappeared within the first week, and she had stopped taking a prescription med for that also. Her acid reflux disappeared, and she stopped taking her prescription med for that, and within the first week she had lost 6.5 pounds. “I knew in my heart that if my mother made a lifestyle change, then she would never get cancer again. After that first week, my mother was a true believer!! My brother and I bought her a membership at a special gym for older women, using trainers and range-of-motion machines, especially for women who have had surgeries or health problems. I left mom to return home this past Sunday and she’s called me almost every day to tell me what she’s been eating (the Hallelujah Diet), and that she’s been walking almost every day. She tells me every day how great she feels and that she’s so excited about her new life. Our goal together is for her to lose 100 lbs. by the first anniversary of her mastectomy surgery. And we both believe she can do it. God really came through for my mom in so many ways this past month. I’m so grateful!~ Angela D.

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