No Matter What!

No Matter What!

Despite knowing her doctor would not be very pleased with her, Dot decided not to have a cancer biopsy "no matter what!" Find out why she refused and what happened next.
I may be almost 80 years old — and yes I have been reading these wonderful testimonies for over 20 years – but I never tire of them! In fact, hearing from people who have restored their health simply by changing their diet is one of the major reasons I keep doing what I have been doing since Hallelujah Acres had its beginning in 1992. I trust you find the following testimonies, which I received just this past week, as inspiring as I found them:
“Dr. Malkmus, I praise God that he answered my prayers through you. One year ago my doctor sent me to an oncologist because I had been having abnormal blood tests for years. The oncologist thought I had bone cancer. He wanted me to do a bone marrow biopsy to confirm diagnosis. I was also having problems with my liver. After praying for almost a week I decided I would not let him do the biopsy because no matter what the biopsy revealed I was not going to accept any medical treatments. When I told my doctor of my decision he was not very happy with me. My best friend, who has been on The Hallelujah Diet for some time, encouraged me to make the diet change. I already had learned a lot about the diet from my friend and already had a juicer, and so one year ago I started The Hallelujah Diet to see if it would help me as much as I had it seen it help my friend. Well I just finished my first year on the diet and my recent blood work was amazing. My red blood cells had returned to normal, my protein was good; my cholesterol had dropped from 206 to 150. Everything was great and my weight had dropped from 146 to 112. I am 66 years old and feel the best I have ever felt in my life. I am very active and still volunteer to take care of family members including grandchildren. Before the diet change I had bad osteoporosis and arthritis and was in such pain I could hardly sleep. These conditions have improved so much that I hardly have any pain at all anymore. I praise God and thank Him for people like you who are not afraid to step out and dare to be different.” Dot B.
“Dear Rev. Malkmus, My husband and I attended your first Saturday-of-the-month seminar in Shelby, North Carolina on March 3, 2012. My mom died in January of this year after a five-year battle with cancer. Thankfully she had been on The Hallelujah Diet for most of those five years and I saw how it had not only extended her life but also given her quality of life right up until the end. I personally have been battling heart disease, strokes, blood clots, blood disease and an abnormal heartbeat for years. After my last mild stroke in January of this year, I decided it was time to check out The Hallelujah Diet that helped my mother so much in her battle with cancer. So my husband and sister came to your March seminar. We sat and listened and on the way home my husband said that he thought we should give the diet a try. We did and haven’t wavered since adopting the diet 18 days ago. Since making the diet and lifestyle change I have lost 11 pounds and my husband has lost 8 pounds. But the most exciting thing I have experienced is a tremendous increase in energy. This past Friday I was able to work five hours at my job and then come home and ride the lawnmower and use the weed-eater for the first time in years and I didn’t go into tachycardia (extremely rapid heartbeat). On Saturday I was on my feet all day cleaning my house and my feet didn’t swell. Then on Sunday morning I sang a solo at church and my husband said it was the best I had sounded in years – like my old self. On Monday I walked two miles and continued with no heart issues and yesterday I walked 2.5 miles and still no heart issues. I am getting so excited because I now have energy which is something I haven’t had in years. And to think that all these positives have happened in just 18 days since adopting The Hallelujah Diet. Please pray that we will not waver, because we are already being tempted by others to go back to our old way of eating. Please know that I thank you for sharing your experiences with so many and helping them regain their health and life. Blessings and continued prayers for you and the Hallelujah Acres ministry!” Donna P.
“Hi George, Thanks for your most informative Health Tips. A few months ago I initiated your plant-based vegan diet and have experienced dramatic results. I am already off my statins and blood pressure medications and feeling so much better. I am fully persuaded that this is the diet God intended us to eat. Thanks for your work in advancing God’s Kingdom here on this earth.” Jim K.

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