My Cancer Treatment Didn't Work!

My Cancer Treatment Didn't Work!

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It’s is so encouraging and rewarding reading all of the emails that came in and are still coming in as a result of my asking our readers whether it was time for me to retire or not on my 80th birthday, coming up on February 12, 2014.

This week's testimonies begin with a powerful story of one woman who tried everything modern medicine could offer, but nothing worked — until she tried God's way!

“Dear Rev. Malkmus, Your Health Tips are such a blessing to me and I have looked forward to receiving them each week for a long time.

Four years ago I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer, Stage 3. Even though I knew about the Hallelujah Diet and had read so many amazing testimonies of healing of others using the diet, I went the medical route with chemotherapy and radiation; because I was afraid the Hallelujah Diet wouldn’t work in my case, and besides the doctors convinced me that nothing else would work.

A year after medical treatments the cancer was back, it had spread to my ureter, and I once again received chemotherapy. After those treatments the doctors said that the cancer had spread into my stomach, and that it probably had spread into other parts of my body.

It was at that point I told my doctor that I was not going to accept any more chemotherapy and in its place I was going on the Hallelujah Recovery Diet. I so wish I had gone on the diet in the first place, but I was scared and the doctor had told me his treatments would work.

As a result of the diet change my cancer has shrunk to very small, almost gone, and I have my energy back. The doctors are amazed and I continue to get very good reports from the various cancer tests. I thank the Lord for making our bodies with the ability to heal themselves when we put in the right nutrition and live a healthy lifestyle.

Thank you so much Rev. Malkmus for your faithfulness in helping to educate me and so many other people as to how we should take care of God’s Temple, the human physical body. May God continue to bless you real good!” ~ Linda M.

“Dear Dr. Malkmus, We appreciate your weekly Health Tips and seminars so very much. We have attended your ‘God’s Way to Ultimate Health’ seminars in Florida, Virginia and several times in North Carolina. Amazingly you have remembered me each time I have attended and each time you gave me good ideas on keeping me healthy in my senior years and in overcoming weaknesses. I really appreciate that you share so much helpful information.

Next month I will turn 83 years old. On the Hallelujah Diet I feel better than I used to feel years ago when I was eating the SAD diet. I still have no need for glasses; I take no medicines, do lots of walking while getting lots of fresh air and sunshine. I also have a strong trust in Jesus Christ. I don’t know how to do or feel better than that at almost age 83. Wouldn’t you agree with me?" ~ Gunnar L.

“George, You should retire when you feel it is necessary, but not until then. If you feel good, then keep on helping people heal themselves with the Health Message you are so passionate about. I am 78 years old and still going strong. I volunteer and go into a Federal Prison, a State Prison, and county jail to share Jesus Christ with the inmates. Not until Jesus takes me home or He takes me at the rapture - I will not quit. Wherever God puts you, there you are to serve others. I have been on the Hallelujah Diet for the past five years. I take no medications, feel great, and am never sick as long as I stay on the Hallelujah Diet. God bless you in your decision.” ~ Delores T.

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