Why Refined Grains Are So Dangerous To Our Health

Why Refined Grains Are So Dangerous To Our Health

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For the past seven Health Tips (#648 through #654) we have been talking about “How we contribute to our own physical problems”: In Health Tip #648 we talked about the FAT contained in animal sourced foods that clog the arteries, and contribute to high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. In Health Tip #649 and #650 we discussed how the ACID in animal sourced foods cause a myriad of problems, including acid stomach, heartburn, osteoporosis, and more, and how if the blood becomes even slightly acidic, we die. In Health Tip #651 we talked about PROTEIN and how the excessive amounts of protein found in animal source foods harm the body, and contribute to numerous physical problems. In Health Tip #652 and #653 we talked about SUGAR the second greatest cause of both the physical as well as the mental problems being experienced today. In Health Tip #654 we began talking about GRAINS and shared why grains were not a part of the Genesis 1:29 diet, but are allowed on the Hallelujah Diet in their whole form. Today we will continue to discuss grains, and share why they become problematic when consumed in their refined form. WHAT IS A REFINED GRAIN? The word “refined” when used in connection with grains means that the bran (fiber-rich outer layer) and the germ (nutrient-rich inner part) of the grain have been removed during milling. This processing leaves only the endosperm (middle part). While this process makes grains easier to prepare and consume, it removes vital nutrients along with the extremely important fiber part (bran). Whole grains, because they have not gone through the refining process, contain the bran, the endosperm, and the germ, and thus are good sources of fiber, B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium, vitamin E, and selenium. Whole grains also contain plant chemicals called phytochemicals, which have many health-promoting benefits. Refining grains, removes a significant percentage of these nutrients, plus much more. Whole grains would include: whole wheat, barley, brown rice, bulgur, oat grouts, quinoa, rye, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, and spelt. Whole grains, if not consumed too frequently, do the body good. Whole grains are more nutritious than refined grains; they have more texture and flavor, as well as being more filling than refined grains. On the other hand, refined grain does the body bad! On The Hallelujah Acres Diet, whole grain cereals and breads, like Ezekiel 4.9; along with brown rice and other whole grains, as well as whole grain pastas are allowed. Now that we understand the difference between whole grains and refined grains, we will devote the remaining part of this article talking about the dangers of refined grains, and why we should not consume them. REFINED GRAINS ARE DEVOID OF ALMOST ALL FIBER In order to turn a whole grain of wheat into a refined grain, the outer shell, called the husk is removed. This outer shell is the fiber part of the grain and is also called bran. There is a similar difference between brown rice and white rice in that the outer shell or husk of the grain has been removed. The outer shell or husks of grain play an important part in the digestion of grains. Definitions from Webster
  • Fiber: “bulk, roughage, the structural parts of plants that are wholly or partly indigestible, acting to increase intestinal bulk and peristalsis. . . “.
  • Husk: “the dry external covering of seeds;” and “bran” as:“the partly ground husk of wheat or other grain, separated from flour meal by sifting.”
  • Another definition of fiber is: “A substance in foods that comes from plants that help with digestion by keeping stools soft so that it moves smoothly through the colon.”
Now let me begin to share the importance of fiber. Between our mouth, where we take food into our body, and the anus where the digested food exits the body, are approximately 30-feet of tubing the food must pass through. Fiber plays a very significant role in this process! When we consume a whole grain, containing fiber, in its whole natural form as supplied by nature, the food moves quite rapidly through the alimentary canal. However, when most of the fiber has been removed, as it has been in all refined grains, it moves very sluggishly. Two more definitions from Webster before bringing this thought to a conclusion:
  • Alimentary Canal: “a tubular passage functioning in the digestion and absorption of food and the elimination of food residue, beginning at the mouth and terminating at the anus.”
  • Peristalsis: “progressive waves of involuntary muscle contractions and relaxations that move matter along certain tube like structures of the body, as ingested food along the alimentary canal.”
CONCLUDING THOUGHTS Refined grains, just like we saw with foods of animal origin, and refined sugar origin, are devoid of almost all fiber. Without lots of fiber, there is nothing to promote peristaltic action, and thus foods containing little or no fiber move very sluggishly through those 30 feet of tubing called the alimentary canal. Animal flesh contains no fiber. It moves very sluggishly through those 30 feet of tubing in an atmosphere of approximately 100 degrees Fahrenheit, taking anywhere from 3 to 4 days to exit the body. This slow movement in that 100 degree atmosphere causes the animal flesh to putrefy, creating all kinds of colon problems along with the bad body odor people try to cover up with antiperspirant deodorants. Most people, once they stop consuming fiberless animal source foods, no longer require a deodorant, and often experience digestive and colon problems simply going away. The lack of fiber in refined grains contributes to constipation problems. And what do people turn to in an effort to alleviate constipation problems? Is it not drugs to artificially stimulate the colon, or laxatives containing fiber, the very fiber that has been removed when grains are refined? The Standard American Diet (SAD) is almost completely devoid of fiber. When a person switches from the nearly fiberless SAD diet to the fiber-rich Hallelujah Acres Diet, a diet loaded with natural plant fiber, they usually see their constipation problems, as well as digestive and colon problems, disappear! One more thing. Earlier, we learned the definition of fiber: “bulk, roughage, the structural parts of plants that are wholly or partly indigestible, acting to increase intestinal bulk and peristalsis…” Pay particular attention to the words “intestinal bulk.” Today, many people wrestle with trying to control their weight, while nearly 70% of our population is considered overweight. An ever-growing segment of our population, including children, is being classified as obese. Foods containing fiber provide bulk, which cause people to feel full long before they would feel full consuming refined foods (foods devoid of fiber). Consuming foods that are high in fiber is an important ingredient in weight management. The only type of grains people should consume is whole grains, not only for their nutritional value and the prevention of constipation, but also to help in weight control. ALL GARDEN (GENESIS 1:29) FOODS ARE RICH IN FIBER! It is only when a person goes outside the Garden to obtain their food that physical problems occur. When you take a good look at The Hallelujah Acres Diet, you will find that it promotes exclusively Garden Foods, which are high in fiber. And when you look at the listing of foods Hallelujah Acres encourages people to avoid, you will find that it consists exclusively of foods that are devoid of fiber. Almost every physical problem people experience today (other than accidents of course) are caused by consuming the fiberless foods found outside of the Garden! On the flip side, we have received tens-of-thousands of testimonies from people reporting that when they stopped consuming these fiberless, outside the Garden foods, and went back to consuming the high fiber-rich Garden foods, they recovered from over 170 different physical problems. Do you not think God knew what He was doing when He planted a Garden eastward of Eden before He ever created man? Do you not think God knew what He was doing when He gave mankind 30 feet of tubing called the alimentary canal, which required fiber to move food through that lengthy digestive tract? Do you not believe God knew what He was doing when He placed His human creation into that Garden and told Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:29 that all of the foods necessary to nourish their physical bodies were to be found in that Garden? I believe God most definitely did! This editor adopted a 100% raw (living), plant based diet, loaded with fiber, along with large quantities of 100% raw (enzymatically alive), freshly extracted vegetable juices, after being told I had colon cancer in 1976. After one year on a 100% raw, fiber-rich diet, I added 15% cooked plant sourced foods back into my diet. It has been at least 85% raw plant sourced foods every day since 1977. I am so excited that as I approach my 77th birthday, I still have the physical abilities I had as a teen, and a mind superior to when I was a teen. Do you think my basically raw and FIBER rich diet might have something to do with my current health? Please, for the sake of your own health and that of your family, let’s return to the Garden as the source of nourishment for the glorious physical bodies God has given each of us. Let’s come back to the diet God told us we should consume in Genesis 1:29. If we will do that, we will be able to stop eating according to the dictates of this world in which we live, which is the cause of most every physical problem we experience!
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. AND BE NOT CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:1-2

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