Diet Linked To Aggression And Violence

Diet Linked To Aggression And Violence

The following article was taken from the December 2005 issue of the “Blaylock Wellness Report,” a monthly publication written by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. And though it was written almost 10 years ago, it is as up-to-date as tomorrow’s newspaper:
“A recent series of studies confirms the old adage 'you are what you eat' in a way that should concern all Americans. The studies show that poor diet is closely linked to aggression, violence and even crime. “One study involved criminals on probation. Researchers found that those who ate a diet high in sugar and junk food committed antisocial acts at a much higher rate 56% compared to only 8% of those on a healthy diet void of junk food and low in sugar. Similar results were seen for parolees’ reverting to narcotics abuse. “A five-state study of prison inmates found that violent offenders were unusually deficient in a number of important nutrients. But with nutritional supplementation, violent acts decreased by 38%. “In Oklahoma, several institutions for delinquent juveniles saw a 43% reduction in serious crimes after a change in diet. “And when Dr. Stephen Shoenthaler changed the diets of over 8,000 juveniles in a dozen facilities, there was a 47% drop in assaults, insubordination and rule violations. “So what is behind all this? Two critical factors seem to be hypoglycemia and nutrient deficiencies. “Hypoglycemia causes the brain to secrete glutamate, and it also depresses serotonin levels. High brain glutamate increases aggression and violence, while low serotonin is linked to depression, agitation, violence and suicide. “As for nutrients, the brain is so dependent on them for proper function that even marginal deficiencies can induce criminal and antisocial behavior. What we eat can change the balance of critical neurotransmitters that control behavior. “Sugar consumption, a major cause of hypoglycemia, has increased 2,500% over the last 100 years in this country, while the growing popularity of junk food has led to widespread nutrient deficiencies. There is also a generally low intake of omega-3 oils, which have been shown to fight depression and anxiety. “Another rather surprising factor may be the rapidly increasing popularity of soy products. A recent study found that in monkeys, soy caused increased aggression behavior among males. “All in all, America appears to be paying a heavy price – in terms of antisocial, violent and criminal behavior – for its current dietary trends.”
Editor’s Note: Get “The Blaylock Wellness Report” here.

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