Nearly 200 Registered for Biblical Nutrition Course

Nearly 200 Registered for Biblical Nutrition Course

About a month ago, the pastor of Turning Point at Calvary Church in St. Augustine, Florida (where Rhonda and I are members), asked if I would teach a course on Biblical Nutrition in our church. What an answer to prayer that was! Rhonda and I had been praying for an opportunity to do this since we began attending the church over two years ago. This past Tuesday, we held our first class and there were over 170 in attendance. The interest has been phenomenal! So much so that since that first class nearly 30 more people have registered and I am expecting about 200 to be in attendance for the second lesson this coming Tuesday, April 30.
"We Would Have Been Dead A Long Time Ago!" Reading Nearly 200 Registered for Biblical Nutrition Course 3 minutes Next What Facebook Says About Your Health
About a month ago, the pastor of Turning Point at Calvary Church in St. Augustine, Florida (where Rhonda and I are members), asked if I would teach a course on Biblical Nutrition in our church. What an answer to prayer that was! Rhonda and I had been praying for an opportunity to do this since we began attending the church over two years ago. This past Tuesday, we held our first class and there were over 170 in attendance. The interest has been phenomenal! So much so that since that first class nearly 30 more people have registered and I am expecting about 200 to be in attendance for the second lesson this coming Tuesday, April 30. I am always thrilled when senior citizens attend my seminars. They, along with people over the age of 40 usually make up the bulk of attendees, but for this Biblical Nutrition 101 class there are a huge number of young adults with teen children attending. In fact the church had the nursery open for last week’s lesson and there were some 25 children under the age of 5 in the nursery. This is so thrilling! Why? Because if parents will come and learn how to properly nourish their children, they can usually eliminate sickness in their children’s lives as well as their own. Please pray for me as I share this “Biblical Nutrition 101” course with the people in our church and community and may what we are doing here in our church be an encouragement to Hallelujah Acres Health Ministers around the world. If it can happen in our church, it can happen in the churches Health Ministers attend. In last week’s Health Tip I said it took two years of prayer to make it happen in our church. But it took more than just prayer to make it happen in our church – you have to live it! We don’t just live The Hallelujah Diet before the church people but also when dining out and yes, even what we eat at home when no one can see us. If we don’t personally live it 24 hours a day at home or away, how can God answer our prayers and bless our Health Ministry? For the last two years in our church, Rhonda and I have been faithful in attendance at all services, in tithing, and in being an example. At church fellowships, we live what we teach and preach, never eating anything that is not on The Hallelujah Diet. In other words, if we want to reach the people in our church with God’s health message, we have to do more than just pray – we need to put feet to our prayers and “walk our talk!” So pray, live it, and teach it and finally don’t give up!
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” ~ Galatians 6:9

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