Is Candida Making You Sick?

Is Candida Making You Sick?

Do you have chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, sinusitis or spastic colon? Could it be that you have overgrowth of yeast or Candida Albicans? Though poorly understood by most physicians, treating this underlying issue can have profound health benefits! There are no definitive tests for yeast overgrowth that will distinguish excessive yeast overgrowth from normal yeast growth in the body. However, if you have ANY of the following conditions you could be thinking Candida Albicans:
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or fibromyalgia
  • Chronic nasal congestion or sinusitis
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome, IBS, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis
  • Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis
  • Autism
  • Interstitial Cystitis
  • Celiac
  • Been on recurrent or long term antibiotics
  • Intermittent painful sores in the mouth (not cold sores on the outer lips)
  • Mercury amalgam fillings in your teeth
  • Have received vaccinations
Candida Albicans is a fungus, a form of yeast, and we normally live with small amounts of it in our mouth and intestines to aid in digestion and absorption of nutrients. But when this fungus is overproduced, it can cause toxicity and many health problems, including skin rashes, mood swings, allergies, and even difficulty concentrating. It has also been linked to more severe diseases like cancer. Candida is associated with craving simple carbs (white foods–pasta, bread, potatoes, rice, and all sugars), which feed the yeast. Candida develops for many reasons – generally due to exposure of antibiotics, food preservatives, heavy metal toxins, and sterile foods. Our gut, which is 80-85% of our immune system, has 500-1000 different types of microbials. Preservatives and sterile “pasteurized” foods act as anti-microbials and offer no microbials to recolonize the gut’s friendly bacteria supply. Without balanced gut microbials, the immune system is impaired. While no real formal candida treatment plan exists through conventional therapies many have found success by using an approach of starving the Candida Albican to slop the growth while using supplementation that specifically targets and kills the fungus. Since we know that Candida Albican feeds on sugar the first things we want to do is stop consuming all sugary foods. This includes even fresh fruits and vegetables with high sugar content like carrot juice and even peas. The less sugar consumed the better in this situation. Cravings for sugary foods may actually increase as the candida begins to starve and die. Stay strong through this process as much as possible. Remember, the body responds to starchy vegetables in a similar way that it does to sugars so pastas and even baked potatoes should be avoided until the candida is eliminated. This could take 3 months or so. After a few months you might try eating something with sugar to see if any discomfort develops. If discomfort is noted, then it would be best to continue the candida diet for a while longer. Candida can be resistant and take some time and effort to get under control especially if it has been unchallenged for a long period of time. Supplements that help the body eliminate Candida Albicans include Intestinal Balance (attacks candida albicans specifically), Silver Biotics (great anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-virus properties) and probiotics (helps to rebuild and recolonize healthy, friendly bacteria in the gut). Together with the candida diet, these supplements will help to bring balance back to the gut ultimately strengthening the immune system. As the Candida Albicans begin to die, you might notice some discomfort. This is part of the normal detoxification process as the body tries to rid itself of the dead bacteria. Drink plenty of water and ensure the bowels are moving – 2 to 3 bowel movements each day is ideal. FiberCleanse will assist in keeping the colon clean and help the body detoxify from the die-off. Candida Albicans aren’t something that should be ignored as they can have long-term health complications if not addressed. You may want to begin the candida diet today.

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