Irmas Raw Sweet Potato Salad

Irmas Raw Sweet Potato Salad

Sweet Almond Milk Reading Irmas Raw Sweet Potato Salad 2 minutes Next Melanie's Indian Dahl (A spicy Indian Dish)
Sweet Potatoes are in season, and are far superior to white potatoes in both flavor and nutrient value, yet sadly are on the menu far too seldom. This recipe is tasty and simple, perfect to add to any vegan menu for beginners. The following Sweet Potato recipe was sent in by Irma who wrote: "My daughter and I have been on The Hallelujah Diet for quite some time now and have reaped great blessings as well as improved health since adopting the diet. Although I have several Hallelujah Acres recipe books, with lots of recipes to choose from, I sometimes like to create my own. The following creation has proven to be very tasty":


3 medium sweet potatoes (shredded)

3 slices of fresh pineapple (chopped small)

3 medium apples (shredded)

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon allspice

Organic raw honey can be added if additional sweetener is desired


Mix all ingredients in a bowl and allow to marinate in refrigerator at least 30-60 minutes before serving. This cold vegan dinner is perfect for a warm evening. ENJOY!


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