Holly's Tomato Rosette

Holly's Tomato Rosette

When the weather starts to cool down, there's nothing quite like cozying up with a warm and delicious meal. Holly's Tomato Rosette is the perfect way to feast vegan. As Holly writes, "I used to always really enjoy a chicken salad in a tomato rosette. Now that I don't eat animal products anymore, I came up with a veggie alternative that I like even MORE! It is one of my favorite meals - quick, easy to prepare, delicious, and NUTRITIOUS!" This is one of our favorite delicious meatless meals. So whether you're looking for cozy vegan meals for two or just a new recipe to add to your repertoire, this one is definitely worth trying.


1 medium Ripe Tomato

1/2 cup of Raw Nuts (almonds, cashews, pecans, etc.)

1 cup Raw Mixed Veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, sweet onion, celery, etc)

1 tablespoon Health Mayonnaise (Vegenaise or Nayonaise)


In a Food Processor, with the S blade in place, put in the nuts and veggies, and process only until coarsely chopped. Then stir in a little mayonnaise - just enough to moisten. Then take the tomato and cut it into a rosette. Don't cut it all the way through, but leave a little on the bottom to hold it together. Open up the rosette and spoon the vegetable/nut mixture on top. The flavors go so well together, and it is so colorful. I use this often when I have company." ENJOY!

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