Why Wait For A Health Issue?

Why Wait For A Health Issue?

Take it from Carla — waiting until you have a health condition before trying The Hallelujah Diet is a waste of time and great health! Check out Carla's story in this week's testimonies!
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It has been more than 20 years since Hallelujah Acres started proclaiming God’s health message to the Christian community (and to anyone else who would listen). Throughout those 20 years, we have been sharing the results people have experienced after making the diet and lifestyle changes we were teaching. To date, tens-of-thousands of people from across America and around the world have been writing to share that after adopting The Hallelujah Diet they recovered from more than 170 different physical problems. I trust you are as blessed by these testimonies as am I.
“I started ‘watching’ Hallelujah Acres in the year 2000. At first I thought its teachings were soooo radical. I thought ‘how could anyone live this way?’ But then four years ago I embraced it and realized it was not a fad at all. Yes, it took a while to convince me that I needed to embrace it and now I can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want to live this way. How I regret I had to go through some really bad health issues, which included surgeries, that I now know could have been totally avoided if it hadn’t taken me so long to adopt this diet and lifestyle. Sometimes I get a little over zealous sharing God’s health message, but it’s been a message I learned the hard way and with a lot of unnecessary pain and now I want to encourage others to not wait till they have to endure serious physical problems before they will embrace it as I did. Thank you Hallelujah Acres! Nothing beats God’s Original Diet.” Carla B.
"In 1999 I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). My neurological degeneration was increasing at a fast rate and I was almost unable to walk (numbness; itching, fatigue; mental fog; and the classic white spots of inflammation on the MRI of the brain). Through prayer and providence I was led to the holistic path of detoxification and immune system rebuilding. The Hallelujah Diet was the key part of my full recovery of health. Heavy metal chelation treatments were also key as the main cause of my MS was actually mercury poisoning from dental work. It has been 10 years since my last symptoms. I have been in complete health since (and even delivered our third child at age 36). My body that was wasting away and clinging to life at age 32 as a result of chelation and a diet change brought new life into this world at age 36. Praise God! Many other MS patients have been cured using the same methods. Believe what Rev. Malkmus is teaching! You can regain your health. Just follow God’s plan. God created you and He wants you to live a healthy and fruitful life.” Debra K., Oxford, Georgia
“Dear co-workers in Christ, Greetings from Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. I have met some of you but unfortunately not all of you. I trust you are keeping well and praising our precious Lord and Saviour. In 2006 God miraculously made a way for me to attend your Health Ministers Training at Hallelujah Acres International Headquarters in Shelby, North Carolina. That training is something I will always treasure as you were all so very kind to me. Since being back in Zimbabwe I have had a number of seminars sharing the good news that ‘You Don’t have to be Sick.’ Many thanks and God bless. Please give my love and God’s blessings to George and Rhonda.” Health Minister, Glendyr N., Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
I am a medical doctor. Jesus is my Lord and Saviour and my passion is to practice medicine for the glory of God and out of my love for Him. I run a ministry called Eagles’ Wings. My approach in helping patients with their various diseases is based on Scriptural principles and I am continually studying and researching to learn more in this regard. I also travel extensively where I do conferences in churches and in the medical field to teach people from both a medical and Biblical perspective about what causes disease and how to get well. I also challenge healthcare professionals to practice medicine based on Genesis 1:29 principles. I have written a book where I teach about disease – again from both a medical and Biblical perspective. I have also produced a DVD series called ‘No Disease is Incurable’. I use the book and DVDs to help my patients and as material that people in conferences can take home and study. I am busy updating both the book and DVD series at the moment and wanted to ask Dr. Malkmus’ permission if he would kindly allow me to use some of the principles he teaches in my book and DVD’s. Once the next edition of my book is printed I would very much like to send him a copy.” Dr. MK S., (M.D.),Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

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Gardening Guide #21: Sprouting

Gardening Guide #21: Sprouting

Gardening Guide #21: Sprouting

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Gardening Guide #21: Sprouting

Gardening Guide #21: Sprouting

Gardening Guide #21: Sprouting

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