How to Make Disease Fear... You!

How to Make Disease Fear... You!

"Dear George, I thank God for your life and ministry. The friend who introduced me to your ministry by giving me your book was already on his death bed and did not make it with his prostate cancer. Thank God I have a chance to pursue a plant-based diet. My eating background is one of lots of meat, white flour products, and dairy. The transition process to a plant-based diet is not an easy one but in the name of God and with your prayers, I shall overcome. Your having switched off these health destroying foods at age 42, I believe, made the difference in your health and you ceased getting sick. Because of your diet change, sickness had no place in your body to manifest. Now disease fears you. I believe the earlier one makes this diet change the better."
"Dear George, I thank God for your life and ministry. The friend who introduced me to your ministry by giving me your book was already on his death bed and did not make it with his prostate cancer. Thank God I have a chance to pursue a plant-based diet. My eating background is one of lots of meat, white flour products, and dairy. The transition process to a plant-based diet is not an easy one but in the name of God and with your prayers, I shall overcome. Your having switched off these health destroying foods at age 42, I believe, made the difference in your health and you ceased getting sick. Because of your diet change, sickness had no place in your body to manifest. Now disease fears you. I believe the earlier one makes this diet change the better. I am going to pass on your information to my children and trust they will introduce their children early to the better choice. We are creatures of habit, and the earlier we get into the right habits, the better. I am currently on two prescription medications and trusting the Almighty to help me make a complete switch to a plant-based diet and what a glory it will be to His name and to the encouragement of many people if my physical problems disappear and I no longer have need of drugs. I am 62 years old and believe that with God all things are possible. I am writing from Africa. Things are much different here than they are in the U.S., but the Lord is here all the same and He has no favorites. Regards to Rhonda and all your team there at Hallelujah Acres." - Reindorf P., Africa
“Dear Rev. George, I am a Christian living in Colombia, South America. From 2000 to 2008, we lived in Akron, Ohio and while there I suffered a fall. The doctors said it was due to my brain not receiving sufficient oxygen. A great family friend gave me a copy of your book ‘The Hallelujah Diet’ saying the information in the book would help me get well. I browsed through the book but other things were more important and I never read it. Back in Colombia four months ago I suffered another fall. Doctors once again told me the cause of the fall was due to my brain not receiving sufficient oxygen. Only this time the doctor told me the reason my brain wasn’t receiving sufficient oxygen – cholesterol was blocking the oxygen carrying blood to my brain. This time I immediately went looking for your book, dusted it off, and began reading. The more I read the more enthusiastic I got, and right away started on The Hallelujah Diet with lots of vegetable juices. I am now in the second reading of your book, understanding a little more each day, but already experiencing incredible improvements in my health. By November 20, my 65th birthday I already felt well; I had bad arthritis pain and inflammation in both arms and shoulders and the pain is gone and I have free movement. The daily cramping in my legs stopped and has not returned. I had another problem in my right leg, I don’t remember what the doctor called it, but it too is gone. And Hallelujah, I have not had a fall since making the diet change and I don’t anticipate that I will ever again because I am on The Hallelujah Diet. I would like to be a Hallelujah Acres Health Minister so that I can help my people here in Colombia improve their health. Thank you Rev. George, you are helping so many.” - Victor H., Florencia, Caquet, Colombia
“Dear Rev. George Malkmus, I am so impressed by your wonderful teachings on Biblical nutrition and have already started removing dangerous foods from my diet by following God’s biblical way of eating as found in Genesis 1:29. Sadly, too many pastors are arrogant and suffering from so many different sicknesses related to consuming an unhealthy diet. I am working in an evangelical church in a health ministry, and in a position to facilitate a workshop. Would you please come to Ethiopia and share your wonderful teachings on Biblical Nutrition. The issue of obesity and related problems is becoming alarming. Many pastors are dying due to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. May God make it possible for you to come help the people here in Ethiopia with the knowledge He has given you.” - Molla T., Ethiopia

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