celery apple carrots and a glass of vegetable juice

Carrot Apple Celery Juice

Workout Recovery Drink Reading Carrot Apple Celery Juice 1 minute Next Burmese Zucchini and Peas

The Hallelujah Diet is full of raw fruit and vegetable recipes. Last week we shared a delicious Celebration Juice recipe with you. Today we share a similar, low calorie plant based recipe! The difference is we removed the beet and replaced it with an apple - we think you'll enjoy the flavor change.


Carrots (enough to make 6 ounces)

Apple (peel if not organic)

Celery (one large rib)


Process through your juicer all items, stir, strain, and ENJOY!



1 pound organic California juicing carrots (if available; if not, organic young carrots)
Apple (peel if not organic)
Celery (one large rib)
*Organic ingredients are always recommended.


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Burmese Zucchini and Peas

Burmese Zucchini and Peas

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Workout Recovery Drink

Workout Recovery Drink

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