When I was 10-years old, living in the Czech Republic, I injured my knee while doing gymnastics. My nickname was 'snake lady,' because of my flexible body. I almost made the National Team of Gymnastics, but my knee injury prevented that possibility. Because of my painful knee, I had to find another sport. I loved horses, so I chose horseback riding. Unfortunately, I fell from a horse, and my knee got much worse! I saw several doctors, but none could find a way to relieve the pain. Some doctors thought I was faking it, while others told me that as I got older the problem would disappear. It never did! In fact, the older I got, the more painful the knee became. This problem caused me to have to give up a lot of the activities I loved, and I often asked myself: 'Is this knee ever going to get better?'

A few years ago, I came to the United States to study. Unfortunately, my health got worse, and I developed kidney and bladder infections, and female disorders. I even ended up in the hospital twice. For weeks, the doctors gave me strong antibiotics. My energy level got so low, and I suffered with daily headaches. My energy level got so low that I could not make it through the day without a nap after lunch. On top of that, I had high cholesterol, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and candida. I was a mess!

I felt so helpless and unhappy. At that time, my diet consisted of cooked food from the school cafeteria, sweets and cheese sandwiches, and was totally lacking in fresh vegetables, fruits, and clean water. Desperately, I looked for help from various doctors here in Florida. I spent so much time and money, but all the doctors did was make me worse. I couldn't understand why the doctors didn't try to find the cause of my problems, rather than just treat the symptoms with poisonous drugs.

Thankfully, God led me to a chiropractic office, where a Hallelujah Diet Health minister was teaching Get Healthy! Stay Balanced classes. I started the class right away and took all the interesting information I was learning very seriously. I bought a juicer, and prepared fresh carrot/vegetable juices every day. I followed The Hallelujah Diet faithfully! I filled my kitchen with fresh and organic foods. I totally changed my lifestyle!

Six months later, I was a new woman! The pain in my knee was gone! Also gone was the high cholesterol; the headaches; the mood swings; the IBS; the candida; the depression; and at long last, I had energy! At first my husband had trouble getting used to this rapid change in what we ate, but he doesn't complain anymore, because he loves our 'new kitchen' and he loves his healthy wife! And he feels so much better also!

I cannot thank God enough for helping me get well! It feels so good, and the people around me have noticed the progress I have made in my health. It feels really great to be able to share the 'right' information about a healthy lifestyle with my family and friends. I cannot wait to become a Health Minister, so that I can help people change their unhealthy eating habits and help them overcome their diseases. I will soon be returning to my home in the Czech Republic and am eager to introduce The Hallelujah Diet and Lifestyle to my country. I feel this is my mission from God, and with His help, I hope to make a difference in many people's lives. The Holy Spirit has inspired me to dedicate my life to educating people in how to improve their health with a healthy lifestyle. I am very eager to commence my career in this mission.

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