Sammy Lee - Sydney, Australia

I am a semi-retired Seventh-day Adventist Minister in Sydney, Australia, and actively engaged in Cyberminstry and traveling evangelist work between here and Indonesia. I was born to a Buddhist family 72 years ago in Bandung, Indonesia. My Dad was a martial arts instructor of the Chinese Youth Association in Bandung. Later he became a Charismatic Church minister when I was 4 years old. He was a vegan before he became Christian, but abandoned it and became a carnivore. And so were the whole family except me.

I was educated at the Roman Catholic Boys Primary and Secondary School in Makassar and Bandung, for ten years. When I was 17 I entered a Seventh-day Adventist Boarding High School and University, and graduated from the Theological Seminary. At that time I started to adopt the Lacto Ovo Vegetarian Diet (LOVED). All the male members of my family died of heart attack below 50. I am the only exception.

Ten years ago a learned about Hallelujah Acres Diet. I quietly adopted it. That was the time when I was predicted to die. I would have been very happy to get a bonus of 12 years compared to my Dad and siblings. And I was not completely free from common disease. But after ten years of practicing the Hallelujah Diet I was able to get rid of practically all my former ailments.

I never had influenza for the last ten years, although the members of my family including my wife who sleeps with me in one bed had it with very heavy coughing bouts several times during the past decade. I have always been given the green slip by several doctors during the last ten years who were all surprised knowing my family health history.

In fact a Nutritionist pronounced that I have that I have the metabolism of a 50 year old man. The other day I demonstrated that I was still able to carry my 6 year old grandson on my back and run up over the over head ramp and railroad bridge to the admiration of my daughter in law. She said that even my son who is 23 years younger than me could not have done that. So thank you Dr. George Malkmus and the Amazing Hallelujah Acres.

I am going to join the Online Health Ministers Training as soon as I can afford it.

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