In September 2008 I was told I had colon cancer after a colonoscopy at age 52. A tumor was found in the anal canal. After telling me the tumor was Stage-2 malignant squamous cell carcinoma, the doctor told me the treatment would be chemotherapy and radiation; along with surgery, requiring a complete and irreversible colostomy.

A red flag went up in my brain and I said, 'No thanks' to any medical treatments! The next thing that came to mind was, 'I guess it's time to get on The Hallelujah Diet!' I had heard about the diet years earlier while watching a Christian television program featuring Rev. George Malkmus.

I was intrigued by what I heard Rev. Malkmus say and ordered his video 'You Don't Have to be Sick .' I watched it and shared it with others who had health issues. Then I dabbled with juicing for the next few years but never made any major changes in my diet or lifestyle.

Then came the colon cancer diagnosis and I believed God was telling me, 'Stop telling other people to change their diet you need to change your diet!' That night we went to dinner with friends who also had major health issues and we toasted to our diseases as I ate my last SAD meal.

The next morning I dusted off my centrifugal juicer, called Hallelujah Acres, ordered a better juicer and a starter kit of supplements to begin my journey to better health. It was like God turned a page in my life to a brand new chapter. One month into the diet I was getting weary of salad for lunch and salad for dinner, so I called to inquire about going to the Hallelujah Acres Lifestyle Center in Plant City, Florida and spoke to Health Minister Sherry Orcutt what a sweetheart!

After the conversation I convinced my husband we needed to attend so I could fully implement this lifestyle without getting frustrated at my lack of knowledge in preparing healthy food. that week changed my life! And my husband who was playing the good sport by going with me came away with so much information that he agreed to also make the diet change.

We loved the hands on food preparation and I discovered a whole new way to prepare food and incorporating more raw foods into our diets. I also learned about alternative ingredients to use to convert favorite recipes, how to read labels better, how to menu plan and grocery shop. We exercised daily, read the Bible & prayed, prepared food and educated ourselves about our self-healing bodies.

After returning home I heard from my second opinion doctors that the 'standard treatment' is chemo and radiation. Then I was given a list of side-effects from both treatments like burning skin inside & out, pain that would require pain medications, secondary cancers like leukemia, hip bones that would no longer produce red blood cells, and the list went on. Talk about discouraging news!

I told the doctors about my plans to treat my cancer with diet change and nutrition, and they just stared back at me. Finally one of the doctors said, 'Why don't you want treatment?' I answered, 'Because I don't want poison injected into me or to have my insides burned with radiation. My husband was nervous after those visits, so we went home and watched the video I had ordered from Hallelujah Acres titled 'Healing Cancer from the Inside Out.' That video convinced me that I needed to stay the Hallelujah route with my colon cancer. (This video is available from Hallelujah Acres).

Regular check-ups to a Nutritional oriented Medical doctor continued to show my cancer was gone and I feel great! I want to become a Hallelujah Acres trained Health Minister because the Lord has restored my health and I want to be able to share my journey and all the information I have learned on my journey back to health with others.

Following is a summary of some of the benefits received since adopting The Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle: I have lost 40 pounds went from a size 14 to a 10 as I watched the fat just melt away. I feel so good! Have more energy than I have had in years, and I finally, actually enjoy exercising. I even like walking uphill. Before the diet and lifestyle change I used to huff & puff, but now enjoy the challenge. I am now within a few pounds of the weight I was 31 years ago. My husband can't believe the transformation my body has gone through.

My blood work is phenomenal. I had a physical back in June 2008 and had a cholesterol level of 225. It is now down to 148, for a 77 point drop. All my other numbers are excellent. My blood pressure is also down.

Before the diet change my knees were getting stiff, especially walking upstairs. They are much better now. I no longer have body odor, and acid reflux is gone after suffering with if for over 10 years. My energy level has greatly increased, and I no longer have that dragging spell in the middle of the day. And the list goes on .

I love feeling so good! I didn't think it was possible to feel this good ever again I thought that we should just expect those aches and pains and extra pounds as we got older. Don't be deceived my friend! Good health is our birth right as God's children! But we have to do our part. Make the diet change and enjoy the journey. You will be glad you did I know I sure am.

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Jay C.

Jay C.



In 2002 I was diagnosed with COPD which is a pr...

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