Sleep and Hormones

Sleep and Hormones: Will Hormone Balancing Impact Your Sleep Schedule?

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There is an interesting relationship between sleep and hormones, because it has been found that poor sleep habits can have a negative impact on hormone levels. At the same time, hormone imbalance might lead to insomnia or other sleep problems. If you want to improve your overall health, then you need to take a proactive approach to balance your hormones and improve your sleep habits at the same time.

Lack of Sleep Will Cause Hormonal Changes

Even though it might seem like a good idea to cut your sleep short in order to get more things done during the day, the truth is that reducing your sleep time can lead to hormone balancing problems. There are several pathways within the brain that manage the release of hormones within the body, which has a direct impact on the endocrine system. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to hormonal changes, which can in turn have a negative impact on various aspects of your overall health. If you are trying to balance your hormones to minimize the symptoms of PMS or menopause, then you need to ensure that you are getting enough sleep at night.

Improving Sleep Habits

One factor that is having a negative impact on sleep patterns is the exposure to unnatural light during the evening hours. Spending time in front of a computer screen or watching the TV can stimulate certain parts of the brain, making it harder to fall asleep at bedtime. So, make sure that you turn off the TV at least an hour before bedtime. Instead, dim the lights and relax in bed with a good book. You might consider taking a warm bath to help the body relax, so that you are ready to go to sleep at the right time. Some women also find it difficult to sleep when they are suffering from symptoms of menopause or other hormone related symptoms. Going to bed is the most important focus to improve sleep habits, especially if you have a set time that you need to wake up in the morning. Calculate the time that you need to go to bed so that you can get eight hours of sleep before your alarm clock goes off. In the morning, get your day started without the artificial boost of coffee. Instead, it is better to start with fresh green juice and a healthy breakfast, helping you to avoid the negative patterns that can develop with caffeine consumption. Also, consider using a high quality supplement to help with hormone balancing, such as our line of Luminology supplements. By using the right supplements, it is easier to balance your hormones so that you can get a good night’s sleep.

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