How to Keep Food Simple, Fun, and Easy!

How to Keep Food Simple, Fun, and Easy!

“Our minds are like our stomachs; they are whetted by the change of their food, and variety supplies both with fresh appetite.”

~ Quintilian

Variety is the spice of life, as the saying goes. And research shows variety is important for health, too!
A study conducted in Ireland concluded that vegetarian diets are indeed nutritionally adequate, but buffered their findings with this comment:

“While vegetarian diets have not shown any adverse effects on health, restrictive and monotonous vegetarian diets may result in nutrient deficiencies …”

Monotony is certainly no fun and, apparently, not good for your health, either!
But hey, it’s human nature to get into a rut, especially once the novelty of a new diet wears off.
Trust us, we’re living proof of how it goes… After a while, your daily zeal to search the web for new recipes turns into a weekly event, and then maybe only when you’re expecting guests.
You get comfortable with few quick recipes and get into a daily rhythm, a “groove” if you will.
Problem is, that groove can turn into a rut, and before you know it, variety is out the window — and is so is the nice, wide spectrum of nutrients you were getting.
Yes, we know. You like green smoothies and almond butter on gluten-free toast, but The Hallelujah Diet is so much more than that. And you don’t have to get back into complicated recipes if you don’t want to. Just keep it simple like we do at home We pick and choose a few simple things for any meal. Sometimes dinner will consist of a simple, leafy green salad and:
  • chopped cucumbers and peppers with hummus;
  • maybe grilled portabella mushrooms rubbed with coconut oil, sea salt, and herbs;
  • or just baked beans over a potato.
The trick is to keep a wide variety of fresh produce in your refrigerator (like we do in our salad box) and a few convenience items in your pantry like tortilla wraps and such. This way, you can just pick and choose at a moment’s notice. Eating like this is creative and stress-free, it makes food fun for the whole family (let the kids choose – they love that), and the importance of variety is built in the process. Besides, after the holiday binge, isn’t it time to go back to eating more like a pauper?

“What’s your secret to variety?”

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