Painful Arthritis 95% Gone in Only 3 Months

Painful Arthritis 95% Gone in Only 3 Months

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At the age of 42, I had arthritis so bad I could not raise my arms above my shoulders, much less my head. Nor could I bend down to pick something off the floor. I often would find myself in the morning lying in bed and crying because I was so stiff and hurt so bad that I could not bear to move. Then I would roll myself off the bed, falling to the floor, in so much pain I would almost pass out.

I was on Prednisone. At 5’ 9” tall, I weighed 215 pounds. I was on numerous prayer lists. I got to where I no longer wanted to go to church anymore because I wasn’t getting any better in spite of all the prayers and concerns of the people — that is until I learned about The Hallelujah Diet.

Prior to adopting The Hallelujah Diet, I was going to the best doctors at Duke University Hospital. They saw my condition and gave me prescriptions for various drugs, which they said I would have to take for the rest of my life, and more than likely I would end up in a wheelchair. They also told me that there was no cure for arthritis.

Just prior to one of these visits, I had learned about The Hallelujah Diet. I told the doctor I would be back for my three-month check up to prove that a changed diet could cure my arthritis. My doctor told me that there were no studies proving any relationship between diet and the reversing of arthritis. I responded kindly, ‘I know that is what is taught.’

Three months later I was back for my follow up with the same doctor, one of the top arthritis specialists at Duke — only this time the doctor didn’t even recognize me. In just three months on The Hallelujah Diet I had lost 42 pounds and 95% of my arthritis was gone!

She was so impressed with my results tears came to her eyes. She then went on to say that she had never seen anyone ever get better on drugs, and that I was doing the right thing and should continue with the diet.

During that same three months on The Hallelujah Diet, my body odor went away, my energy levels soared, and I had so much energy I could hardly stand still. I was getting more work done in one day than I had been getting done in a week before the diet change.

So here I am 5 years later and my arthritis is completely gone, my hair is darker, and I turned 48 years old on September 14. All my gray hair has disappeared and my dentist tells me that I have the top 5% best gums of all his patients.

After Jesus, this Hallelujah Diet is the greatest thing to happen to me in my entire life. I would not trade what I have learned for any amount of money. Many wealthy people suffer with arthritis and other debilitating problems and even die after much suffering with cancer, and all their money couldn’t stop their suffering and untimely deaths.

This Hallelujah Diet is God’s plan for the proper nourishment of all people. He gave this plan to us in Genesis 1:29 for all to read.

I am so thankful you never gave up, Brother Malkmus, even though most Christians rejected your health message in those early days. Because of your life and testimony, multitudes of God’s people have been restored to health.

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lost over 200 points with the Hallelujah Diet

The Incredible Shrinking Man

The Incredible Shrinking Man

When I was younger I was taught to clear my pla...

lost over 200 points with the Hallelujah Diet

The Incredible Shrinking Man

The Incredible Shrinking Man

When I was younger I was taught to clear my pla...

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