Helping Others Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Our Lord

Patricia Reading Helping Others Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Our Lord 3 minutes Next Because of My Diet, I Don't Have Any of These Symptoms Anymore

In July 2007 I had surgery for an enlarged prostate at which time doctors also removed a large bladder stone. When I received the surgeons report and laboratory results, it revealed the bladder stone was the result of my body having been highly acidic for many years.

My wife did a lot of research and learned the importance of maintaining an alkaline diet. With this new knowledge I began to change my eating habits to a more alkaline diet. It was during the summer of 2008 my wife found the Hallelujah Diet and Lifestyle on the web.

On The Hallelujah Diet and Lifestyle I regained my health. Then I went into training for a marathon which I ran in Chicago on October 12, 2008. The Hallelujah Diet, along with BarleyMax, served me very well during this endurance event, and on the Hallelujah Diet I continue to gain optimum performance during my training and racing as an endurance athlete.

My passion is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and to help others grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. As Hallelujah Acres trained Health Minister, my mission is the perfect combination of helping others with issues of the body and the soul. As a Health Minister I am able to help both believers and non-believers become aligned with God's plan for vibrant health through proper nutrition. Being a Health Minister is also an open door to present the Gospel to non-believers in a loving and caring environment.

I was raised in a Roman Catholic family and believed in God since early childhood. Then throughout high school and especially college, I began to doubt my faith in God because of the continual teaching of secular humanism and evolutionary philosophy. During my senior year at the University of Nebraska, I was faced with a crisis of faith and began a desperate search for truth and meaning in life. By the grace of God and the illumination of the Holy Spirit I repented of my sin and trusted Jesus Christ as my Savior on November 24, 1972.

Since then I have been disciplined in the faith and have practiced walking in the light with Christ. God has blessed me with many opportunities and challenges to continue to depend on Him daily. To help me stay on the path He has blessed me with a wonderful wife and five beautiful children. I have also had the privilege to study the Word of God and earn two seminary degrees and serve Christ in full time ministry. My goal in life is to live for Christ, love Him more, and help others grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Because of My Diet, I Don't Have Any of These Symptoms Anymore

Because of My Diet, I Don't Have Any of These Symptoms Anymore

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