I Was Able to Avoid Chemo, Radiation, and Surgery

Gratitude for a Healthier Life Reading I Was Able to Avoid Chemo, Radiation, and Surgery 2 minutes Next Anonymous

I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in February 2009. My wife and I have always been against the use of pharmaceuticals and other dangerous medical modalities in dealing with physical problems, so that diagnosis of colorectal cancer sent us scurrying for an alternative to the standard cancer protocol of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.

Our search led us to the Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle. Not long after I stopped putting into my body the things that had caused my cancer (all animal products and refined sugar) and started on the entire Hallelujah Acres protocol, including an abundance of vegetable juices and BarleyMax, I could feel and see major improvements in my health.

I have now been symptom free for many months and have more energy than I have had for many years. A real added benefit to making the diet and lifestyle change is that I have lost 35 pounds since starting the diet.

My own experience this past year has given me firsthand knowledge as to how to deal with major physical problems and I enjoy sharing with others what I have learned and experienced. The fact that I have gone through it myself gives me great credibility to share God's health message with others. Now I want to come to Health Minister training at Hallelujah Acres so that I can be helpful in sharing God's health message with others.

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Gratitude for a Healthier Life

Gratitude for a Healthier Life

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