Took BarleyMax with Me On Mission Work for Much Needed Energy

Gratitude for a Healthier Life Reading Took BarleyMax with Me On Mission Work for Much Needed Energy 2 minutes Next Anonymous

I just returned from three weeks of mission work in Zambia and the Congo.

I wanted to touch base and give you an idea of the success I had being on the Hallelujah Acres Diet, at least the best I could under the circumstances on this missionary trip.

There were five others on the trip with me who were not on the Hallelujah Diet, and though I was not able to get any fresh veggies or fruits, I faithfully took my BarleyMax (6 teaspoons per day) and even though I out-aged the others by a minimum of 13 years, I ran circles around them and had more energy than any of them. Some of those with me were 22 years younger.

And though I did have to eat some unidentifiable things in the bush villages; I did not experience any illness except some throat and breathing irritation from the constant smoke from fires in the villages that were burning around me 24 hours a day.

I sometimes rode for hours crammed in a small vehicle with 23 other people, mostly natives. I slept on things that most would not consider beds, and we were even arrested by a team claiming we were American terrorists. Fortunately we were able to bargain for our release out of the Congo.

Anyway, to make a long story short, along with BarleyMax and some probiotics I made it through the trip without any illnesses.

Today I signed up for the 60-Day Hallelujah Challenge on the internet as I have one person who is trying to adopt the Hallelujah Diet and I have been asked by others to teach the Hallelujah Acres program once again and I thought it would be good for me to be able to refresh myself with this 60-Day challenge approach to the diet so I can better help others as they transition to the Hallelujah Diet and Lifestyle.

I'm trying to get used to the six hour time change as African time is six hours ahead of time here. I am still waking up at 2:30 A.M. and walking around like it was time for breakfast. Ha!

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