Raw Cream of Carrot Soup

Raw Cream of Carrot Soup

Raw Almond Butter Reading Raw Cream of Carrot Soup 1 minute Next Carrot Juice Variations

Looking for a new raw food recipe? Try this easy, dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan raw soup recipe. This raw carrot soup uses almonds for a creamy texture, mimicking the richness of traditional soup but without the use of dairy.

1 cup of Raw, Organic Almonds - soaked for at least 12 hours in distilled water
4 cups freshly made carrot juice

  1. Slip off skins from almonds
  2. Blend soaked almonds in blender with just enough carrot juice to produce a smooth texture. 
  3. Add remaining juice and blend until creamy.
  4. Season with fresh or dried herbs if desired, such as Parsley Purpose Blend.
Serves 4


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