Why Hallelujah Acres Does Not Publish Negative Testimonies

Why Hallelujah Acres Does Not Publish Negative Testimonies

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Hallelujah Acres is a Christian ministry that teaches health from a Biblical perspective! The reason this ministry was established in 1992 was because God had allowed me to have colon cancer in 1976 — and survive — as the result of a simple diet and lifestyle change. And I did it without any medical intervention whatsoever; within a year, that cancer was gone.

How I Was Able To Rid Myself of Cancer Without Medical Help

I didn’t want to go the medical route for my cancer because of the horrible experience my own mother had going the medical route with her colon cancer before me. In fact, I felt that mother’s death was not due to the cancer itself, but the "modern medical" treatments she received. Not wanting to go the medical route my mother had gone for her cancer, I went searching for an alternative to the extremely dangerous medical modalities of chemotherapy (a poison), radiation (burning), and surgery (removal of body parts), the very modalities I felt had been the cause of my mom’s death. In answer to prayer for an alternative to going the medical route for my cancer, God led me to an evangelist in Texas by the name of Lester Roloff who discouraged me from going the medical route, and rather encouraged me to do something as simple as change what I ate. That’s right; he encouraged me to stop eating the world’s Standard American Diet (lots of meat and loaded with refined sugar) and to start eating the very diet God had given Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, in the Bible, in Genesis 1:29, some 6,000 years prior. He also encouraged me to drink lots of vegetable juices. As a result of this simple diet change, within days my rectal bleeding had stopped and within a year my baseball sized tumor below my left rib cage had disappeared — without any medical attention or intervention. Previous to my being told I had colon cancer, I was a pastor. I had observed that the Christian community was just as sick as the non-Christian community. And this was after listening to all the prayers for healing I had heard and that had gone unanswered in the various churches I pastored. Because of this wonderful healing of my cancer through a simple diet and lifestyle change, God laid it upon my heart to begin a new ministry, a ministry dedicated to reaching the Christian community (along with anyone else who would listen) with the message “You Don’t Have to be Sick!” Hallelujah Acres is a ministry that teaches health from a Biblical perspective. Our primary goal is to reach the Christian community (along with anyone else who will listen) with the message that God did not design us to be sick. When we base our diet on the Genesis 1:29 diet — God’s original diet that he gave to the first human couple in the garden — the body will not get sick and almost always restores itself to a state of wellness without any medical intervention, whether after sickness manifests or because of improper diet. We estimate there are millions of people around the world who have applied our teachings, while tens-of-thousands have written to tell us that after adopting the Hallelujah Diet, which is based on God’s Genesis 1:29 diet, along with the elimination of the toxic food and drink they had previously been consuming, they saw almost all of their physical and even psychological problems simply disappear.

Does Everyone Who Adopts The Hallelujah Diet Get Well?

Let me be the first to say that the Hallelujah Diet is NOT a cure-all! In fact, the Hallelujah Diet itself cannot heal anyone of anything (nor can modern medicine truly heal anyone). All healing is self-healing; that is, only the body can heal. However, though not everyone who adopts the Hallelujah Diet gets well from all their physical and psychological problems, we estimate that the percentage of those who do get well is in excess of 90%. With all of this incredible success, some people ask why we do not publish negative letters, the letters from those who did not get well after making the diet change. This is a fair question that deserves a response.

Why Does Hallelujah Acres Not Publish Negative Testimonies?

There are a number of reasons:
  1. Since well over 90% of all those who go on the Hallelujah Diet do get well, what would be the purpose of sharing the few negative testimonies? Would those negative testimonies be an encouragement or discouragement to the person who was experiencing the same physical problem to try making a diet change?
  2. Making a diet change is not an easy thing to do. So would a person with a similar problem be encouraged to make a diet change that could help them if someone else with a similar problem had reported that the diet change hadn’t helped them? Just suppose that the diet change would have corrected their problem (which it most likely would have), but they continued to suffer because it was easier to believe the negative testimony than changing what they ate.
Another reason negative testimonies are not published is because there is no way of my knowing if the person was 100% doing the diet. In my seminars I occasionally have a person come up to me to tell me that they had tried the diet, and it didn’t work for them. The first thing I ask such a person is: “Have you stopped consuming ALL animal products, including cheese?” Have you stopped consuming ALL refined sugar? Their answer is usually “Well no. . . . “Or they tell me that they occasionally have a sugar dessert, etc. Dear friend, if a person isn’t doing the diet 100%, their negative testimony is almost surely because of the toxic items they are still including in their diet, rather than it being the diet had failed them. The body is almost always self-healing when we bring conditions conductive to healing about within it. Following are a few testimonies, and you tell me which ones would provide the greatest motivation and incentive for a person to make a diet change:
“You may not choose to print this testimony and I will understand why if that is the case. My sister died from breast cancer after trying the Hallelujah Diet. She had battled two occurrences of the disease valiantly . With the third occurrence she refused chemotherapy . She was physically beautiful when she died. Her hospice nurse asked her family what she had been eating because she had much less demand for pain medication than other breast cancer patients. I believe she just found out too late about the Hallelujah Diet.”
The above testimony shows that the person did not recover on the Hallelujah Diet, probably because sometimes the person is too far gone for the body to respond to good nutrition. But notice that even though she did not recover, she did have a much better quality of life, with less pain, till the end. Now listen to a few positive testimonies:
“My initial hopeless diagnosis (3 years ago) was stage 4 gastric cancer with a three-month life expectancy. After being on the Hallelujah Diet for 3 months, no cancer could be found anywhere in my body.”
“Dear George, because of your faithfulness to carry forward the health message I came out of my sick bed in May after hearing your seminar at Hallelujah Acres. I was suffering with bone cancer and was seeking God’s direction for my healing. Thank the Lord, He answered our prayers and led us to Hallelujah Acres.”
Which of the above testimonies would provide the greatest incentive for a person to give the Hallelujah Diet a try? Enough said! In last week’s Health Tip, I began listing various problems people have given testimony of improving or recovering from after adopting the Hallelujah Diet. I listed 45 of more than 170 that we know of. Here are another 45 from that list... 46. Ear infections 47. Eczema 48. Endometriosis 49. Energy increased 50. Epilepsy 51. Esophageal reflux 52. Exhaustion 53. Eyesight improved 54. Fatigue 55. Fatty tumors 56. Fevers 57. Fibromyalgia 58. Fingernail fungus 59. Foggy brain 60. Fungus, toenail 61. Glaucoma 62. Gout 63. Graves Disease 64. Gulf War Syndrome 65. Hay fever 66. Headaches 67. Hearing loss 68. Heart Palpitations 69. Heartburn 70. Heal spurs 71. Hemorrhoids 72. Hepatitis A, B, & C 73. Herniated disc 74. Hiatus hernia 75. Hives 76. Hormonal imbalance 77. Hot flashes 78. Hunger 79. Hyperactivity 80. Hypoglycemia 81. Hypothyroidism 82. Incontinence 83. Indigestion 84. Infertility 85. Insomnia 86. Internal bleeding 87. Interstitial cystitis 88. Irregular heartbeat 89. Irritable bowel syndrome 90. Itching From the 90 problems listed thus far, it should be quite obvious that God gave us a marvelous self-healing body! When we bring conditions conductive to healing about within it, the body will almost always do what God designed it to do, which is heal itself. However, it must be reiterated that these wonderful recoveries did not come as a result of taking some kind of drug to relieve a symptom, but rather came automatically and quite naturally when that person brought about within their body, conditions conductive to healing. If you are not already on the Hallelujah Diet, may I encourage you to give it a try! Hallelujah Acres is a Christian Ministry that teaches health from a Biblical perspective! Hallelujah Acres is trying to help the Christian community (as well as anyone else who will listen) realize that God's ORIGINAL diet, as given by God in the Bible, in Genesis 1:29, was God's perfect plan for the proper nourishment of His human creation. Multitudes have made this diet change that we teach here at Hallelujah Acres, and experienced normalization of weight, as well as the elimination of almost all their physical and psychological problems. For more information, click here to visit our website. Next week, the good Lord willing and if the creek doesn’t rise too high, we will return with another exciting issue of the Hallelujah Health Tip. Trust you will join us and that you will share these Health Tips with friends and loved ones.

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