Vegan Sausage

Vegan Sausage

Sure, you can get vegan sausage in the store, but it probably contains some additives and preservatives you could do without. Here's a raw, vegan sausage appetizer you can make at home... with your juicer! This recipe is also known as "Pecan Pleasers" in the Green Star juicer recipe book.


2 cups pecans
1 cup sprouted wheat berries (soaked for 24 hrs, drained, & rinsed)
1/4 cup onion
1 cucumber, sliced into rounds
2 roma tomatoes, sliced into rounds
1 avocado, diced
1-3 tsp poultry seasoning to taste
1/2 tsp Herbamare seasoning salt (or sea salt)


1. Using a homogenizing blank in your juicer (Green Star or Green Star Elite is recommended), run the pecans through the juicer into a large bowl. If you want them to be a finer paste-like consistency, run them through again.
2. Run the wheat berries and onion through the juicer. If the wheat berries cause the juicer to seize, stop, use the reverse mode for a few seconds, then go back to forward and try again.
3. Once all "juiced" ingredients are in the bowl together, add poultry seasoning and Herbamare, then mix with a wooden spoon to combine the ingredients thoroughly.
4. Arrange cucumber slices individually on a fancy tray.
5. Mold a spoonful of the mixture into a small, sausage-like patty. Make enough patties to place on top of each cucumber slice.
6. Garnish each cucumber and patty combo with a tomato slice and avocado cube and serve!
7. Click here for a step-by-step video demonstration with Paul & Ann Malkmus

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